
Surely I'm not the only white girl wishing she was in Grand Prairie right now?


Once upon a time there was a little white girl named Sassy. She got a hold of the TV remote one day after school and came upon this thing called "MTV" where she saw Jay-Z rapping.

And the rest is history. 

Fast forward 13 years later to today. Kendrick Lamar is currently performing in Grand Prairie, just a short and easy drive from where I'm typing this minute. It really is unearthly how much I listen to slash enjoy his albums. It's a guilty pleasure. I don't want to talk about it, but the other day I had to wikipedia "gangs in compton" because I was getting confused about some of this lyrics #WOW #IKNOW #EMBARRASSING.

I think I really like rap music because it gives me a set of deep lyrics to over-analyze. I appreciate coming across a witty play on words or listening to the figurative language they come up with. And if you find the right artists, there will be deep songs about religion, politics and society--Macklemore's "Same Love" song anyone?????? It's not all about money and Halle Berry, contrary to popular to belief. Except a solid 98% of rap songs are still about Halle Berry, studies show. If I may, KENDRICK'S LYICS BE DOPE Y'ALL SO DOPE DOE.

WHAT I'M GETTING AT IS KL IS IN GP RIGHT NOW PROBABLY RAPPING SWIMMING POOLS (#MYFAVORITE) AND I'M HERE BLOGGING. I had serious intentions to go to this concert with a friend, tickets only 38 doll hairs, but we made a last minute executive decision that two girls at a rap concert isn't the healthiest activity on a Wednesday night in a strange city.

I fully intend on the opportunity presenting itself another time. Preferably a Friday, with more guy friends, THAT'S ALL I ASK FOR.

{images: original here & kendrick lamar facebook page}

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